
High School

We started our journey,
Fresh scents in this big new world.
Tried new things, had no worry.
Found love, our fingers together are curled,
As one, and then torn apart in a hurry.
Creating pain and sadness and furry.
Went to our first prom.
Experienced all the unusual drama,
Only to come crying to mom.
Didn’t do anything you didn’t wanna.
Time went by way too fast,
I wish I could’ve made it last.
Because now I see the end.
Which is a new beginning, with a new friend.

Princesses Don't Exist

I want to be his love
I have to have his heart
But I will always be myself

His dream of perfect is perfect
He longs for The Fantasy Girl
Bay Watch Barbie Body
Without the mind games and drama
Could he see that with me?

I’m not no fairytale princess
I wasn’t locked away to be rescued
Frog Princes and knights don’t catch my eye
Defend myself and keep my voice is what I’ll do.
Could I see this with you?

Long walks on the beach at sunset
Candle lit dinners for two
Horseback riding in flowery meadows
All without a single dispute
Does he see that with me?

I’m not no fairytale princess
I wasn’t locked away to be rescued
Frog Princes and knights don’t catch my eye
Defend myself and keep my voice is what I’ll do.
Do I see this with you?

Homemade meals after a day at work
He never has to life a finger to clean
Laundry is fresh and pressed
The sports channel is always on
Did he think that was me?

I’m not no fairytale princess
I wasn’t locked away to be rescued
Frog Princes and knights don’t catch my eye
Defend myself and keep my voice is what I’ll do.
I never saw this with you.

You’re delusional if you think it
I was raised to hold my own
Me fake it? You must be ill
Because princesses don’t exist.


High School

We started our journey,
Fresh scents in this big new world.
Tried new things, had no worry.
Found love, our fingers together are curled,
As one, and then torn apart in a hurry.
Creating pain and sadness and fury.
Went to our first prom.
Experienced all the unusual drama,
Only to come crying to mom.
Didn't do anything you didn't wanna.
Time went by way too fast,
I wish I could've made it last.
Because now I see the end
Which is a new beginning, with a new friend.



Fairytales don't end at "happily ever after"
Forbidden love has become the norm.
Perfect couples can't fool us with laughter,
Just like smiles aren't always warm.
Y'all may want these typically bad cliches,
But I'm looking for an original.
Something unique that keeps my feet grounded,
But makes my head fly high.
Something like I've recently found with someone
who is a bad cliche, but
Has all the perks of an original that I thought
No longer existed in this century.
I can lay in this persons arms and feel at equilibrium,
nothing could disturb me, except for them to leave.
I trust them completely, not because
They can keep my darkest secrets or
Are good listeners, although they are those things.
But because I can count on them to tell me
The sharp brutal truth that brings me off my pedestal,
And then help me cope until I'm steady again.
You say can't break your heart and fix it too?
I say they could break it a thousand times and
Fix it a thousand more, and I'd always be theirs.
And my life wouldn't end with their end,
It would end when I've kept every promise I made to them
So that I died with no debts and no regrets.


For once I wish....

For once I wish my life was black and white.
Because the colors of the chaos make me dizzy.
For once I wish I had no choice.
Because the option of free will make me degrade myself.
For once I wish things were simple.
Because the complexity is making me drowned.
For once I wish there was only you.
Because the others don't even compare.
For once I wish....... I didn't have to think at all.
Because the guilt of my own decisions is overwhelming.